Why is my phone's battery draining so fast? - fixed ! - SL TechSpot (part 1)

 Why is my phone's battery draining so fast? - fixed ! - SL TechSpot (part 1)

Tips No 1

Is your phone battery draining so fast?

Don't worry about that..

I will help you! 

Step 11

Open settings and search 'admin apps'.

Then found it.

Step 2

Open device admin apps and only tick your home app and lock screen. And untick other all services and apps.

Try it now and check your battery draining speed. 

Important:- please do this if your phone battery draining so fast. If your phone battery is in full condition and draining slowly don't do this.because device admin apps help to run smoothly your device. But if your phone battery draining fast, you must do this. And it helps to keep your battery life. Try it and enjoy....!

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